I haven't been able to blog much lately, but I just had to share these finds. My "donate happy" mother called me yesterday morning. She told me that my dad was working on cleaning out the attic and that there was a couple of boxes of stuff that was mine. She wanted me to come look through it and decide if it was anything I wanted or donate it.
So of course, I jump in my car and rush over there. My mother has a history of getting rid of the good toys. This is the woman I have to thank for the loss of my original Death Star playset, which was an awesome Christmas gift. Yes, I am still a little bitter over that, but I will be ok.
I get over to the house and what was one box, actually turned out to be 3 boxes. What was in these boxes overjoyed me. I had thought several of these items had been lost to the ages and/or several moves during my childhood, but somehow they survived.
First find, a naked 8 inch Mego Superman. I remember getting this Superman doll very clearly. I remember there used to be this little store on the corner near my grandparent's home. I guess it was the 70s equivalent to a Dollar General. But, I don't remember the name of it. My grandfather and I used to take walks down to the store to return glass drink bottles. Well, on one of our walks down to this store, he bought me Superman.
I remember playing with this doll. He got mixed in with the Barbie crowd very quickly. He had such great articulation, I paired him with my ballerina Barbie. I thought he would make a great ballet dancer. I am sure some of you guys are gringing at that. Superman did his heroic deeds but was also a part time ballet dancer.
For the most part, Superman is in good condition. There is a little damage to his hand, but not terrible. It looks like I might have been trying to get him to hold something. The rubber bands are super tight for his age and all of his dancing. I am looking for his original outfit. I am not sure if it can be found, but I am hopeful. I am sure there are more boxes I will get calls about it. If all else fails, there is always Ebay. If anybody out there has one for sell or possibly trade, please let me know. We might be able to work out a deal. I would like to restore him to his original 70s awesomeness.
My next awesome rescue is: BLASTER!! I loved Transformers as a kid, but I had to beg for them because "those are boy toys". Gender means nothing to me when it comes to toys. I hopefully have instilled this in my children because I hated hearing that as a kid. Surprisingly, I got him as a Christmas gift. I think he was ordered from the JC Penney Catalog. My mom used to order a lot of our Christmas items from there.
I am so happy to have rescued this from the attic. OMG! how he ended up there, I don't know. He is in perfect condition! I brought him home, cleaned him up and he is now on display with the rest of my Transformer tribe, which has grown since January to include about 30 Transformers and Gobots.

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